Why we take over middle!

When we are on the returning team, if the returner returns the ball down the line or straight in front of them, then their partner, who is already positioned at the NVZ line, can move towards the middle and take over the middle. By doing this, the returning team is putting pressure on the serving team to hit a perfect 3rd shot drop at an angle.

The partner at the NVZ line moves middle. Don’t worry about stepping across the middle line. That middle line is only on the court for one purpose–to tell whether a serve is in or out. It was not meant to box in you, so don’t be afraid to cross that line.

The returner after hitting and moving to the NVZ line will give their partner space to take the shot (4th shot of the game). Then they will move in when their partner finishes covering the middle.

When playing remind your partner where to return their serve. Make a plan before the serve and you are more likely to succeed.