Lessons & Clinics.

Clinics & Lessons Guide

We offer multiple types of clinics, all with varying benefits depending on what you are hoping to learn and achieve.

Private Lessons

One-on-one instruction tailored to your specific needs and skill level. We focus on individual technique, personalized feedback, and accelerated improvement.

4-Person Clinic

4 players with one instructor in cost effective learning with focus on technique, court positioning and doubles strategy.

Group Lessons

Learn with other players at a similar skill level and a more affordable range, and gain opportunities for social interaction and practice with others.

Topical Workshops

Short-term, intensive sessions focusing on specific skills or strategies, these are often conducted by experienced coaches or visiting pros.

Where to Start

santa barbara parks and recreation

These clinics are offered through the City of Santa Barbara. We offer 4-week or 3-day clinics for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels, located at 1414 Park Place.


Dynamite also offers a variety of clinic options for every level of player including 4-person clinics, drill sessions, specific skill workshops, mini-academies, and our prestigious Dynamite Academy. These clinics are Earl Warren Showgrounds courts, 3400 Calle Real.

Focus Areas

Clinics and lessons can be tailored to focus on specific skills like those below.

BASIC: Serving

Proper stance, grip, and underhand motion. Targeting specific areas of the opponent’s court. 

BASIC: Groundstrokes

Forehand and backhand strokes with correct technique. Footwork and positioning.

BASIC: Volleys

Hitting the ball in the air, focusing on control and placement. Understanding when to volley vs. let the ball bounce.

BASIC: Dinks

Soft shots just over the net, aimed to land in the non-volley zone. Learning touch and finesse.


High, deep shots to move opponents back. Strategic use of lobs during play.

ADV: Spin

Adding topspin or backspin to your shots for better control and deception.

ADV: Drop Shots

Soft shots aimed to land just over the net, forcing opponents to move forward.

ADV: Third Shot Drop

Executing a soft shot after the serve return to neutralize the rally and move to the net.

ADV: Defensive Skills

Blocking, resetting shots, and countering aggressive opponents.

STRATEGY: Positioning

Proper positioning for serving, receiving, and during rallies. Understanding the importance of controlling the non-volley zone.

STRATEGY: Doubles Strategy

Communication and coordination with your partner. Effective positioning and movement as a team.

STRATEGY: Game Situations

Analyzing different game scenarios and making strategic decisions. Practicing specific drills to simulate match conditions.

Ready to get


Join our club and maximize your pickleball adventures with a vibrant community and an array of activities!